Update Regarding COVID-19

In response to COVID-19, our practice has developed several protocols and procedures to help to create a safe environment for all of our patients and team members. Safety is our top concern and we are taking every precaution to provide the safest conditions for our patients, our team, and our families.

  • All patients will be asked screening questions prior to being seen, as well as completing the HIPAA Compliant online forms below. If you are not comfortable filling out the form online, please call our office to answer the screening questions over the phone.
  • Patients and their guests will be required to wait in their vehicles in lieu of the waiting room until further notice.
  • Patients are strongly encouraged to complete registration online (New patient forms, etc.)
  • We have an air purifier in each treatment room for your safety. We have enhanced our safety precautions for our patients and our team members.
  • Our staff will be undergoing daily screening protocol and wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at all times in the office.

We ask that you please rinse your mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide prior to your visit and wash your hands as well.