How to Choose the Right Pediatric Dentist

We should brush our teeth at least twice daily to keep that smile beautiful and snow-white, and our teeth healthy.

Toothbrush and toothpaste help us a great deal with this. If we choose according to the degree of softness and the principle of operation, then the toothpaste shelf in the store can make you think for a long time about which toothpaste to choose – at first glance it is not always clear how these products differ.

The basic principle of the action of pastes is the same. They contain an abrasive to effectively remove plaque, and they have a bactericidal and refreshing effect. But the similarities, perhaps, end there. Further pastes, depending on the composition and impact on the teeth with the oral cavity are divided into the following types:

  • Hygienic
  • Preventive
  • Medical
  • Whitening

You need to choose a paste based on the condition of your teeth. The assessment of the condition and general recommendations will be given by the attending dentist, but we will tell you how these four types differ.

Creative professional dentist giving her little patient a high five

Hygiene Paste

The main components of hygienic paste are the abrasives and fluorine. This type is intended only to freshen breath, remove plaque and destroy harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. The use of hygienic paste will be appropriate if you do not have any diseases of the oral cavity. But even the choice of such a product must be approached with caution. Firstly, the degree of abrasiveness of the paste may be different. The particles responsible for plaque removal range from very small to large. Large abrasives act more aggressively on enamel; therefore, they are suitable only for people with impeccably strong coating of teeth. Daily use of a paste with a high abrasive content gradually erases the enamel. When choosing a paste, be sure to monitor the degree of abrasion based on the characteristics of your teeth.

Secondly, fluoride also needs to be more careful, since excess fluoride can lead to yellowing of enamel and even to diseases (fluorosis). The dentist should give recommendations on the required amount of fluoride in the paste – only by the doctor’s prescription can you find a paste that will preserve your teeth.

Try to give preference to a product that contains natural plant components – essential oils, decoctions and herbal extracts. Natural components are saturated with useful microelements and carefully look after teeth and gums, protecting them from negative influences while calming and disinfecting them.